
What are the key benefits of
Corporate Governance Asia helps board members and directors, shareholders and stakeholders, CEOs and others to focus corporate activities on long-range
strategic issues. It provides insights into what their competitors are doing. It also provides corporate performance evaluation techniques to help maintain a
finely-tuned and effective corporation. It also provides quick reviews of the latest on compensation, recruitment and benefits.
What does CorporateGovernanceAsia provide?
Ways to avoid liability “traps” such as shareholder suits;
Coverage of new regulations and proxy voting rules;
Governance updates to help CEO, directors, shareholders, etc, participate effectively in corporate meetings Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Development in Asia
What does CorporateGovernanceAsia include?
Quarterly issue of CorporateGovernanceAsia includes:
Feature Articles on the latest topics and developments on corporate governance especially seen from the perspective of directors of major corporations, legal advisors, financial experts, and fellow chairmen and CEOs.
Review – roundups of current business issues and events concerning strategy,finance, mergers and acquisitions, liability, pensions and benefits, compensation,and reviews of the most current business books. Concise synopses to save readers hours of research time.
Asian Excellence Award (www.asianexcellenceaward.org)(www.asianexcellenceaward.com)
Asian ESG Award (www.thebestofasia.org)
Overview – A synopsis of recent articles and speeches relating to governance, management and other business issues.
Conversations – candid interviews with corporate business leaders providing insights on management, economic, political and social issues.
Asian Directors – keep you informed about the leaders of your competition: where they have been and where they are going.
Expert Opinions
Regulators / Government/Institutions Views
CSR / Environmental Governance
Asian Governance
Investor Relations
Ethics and Compliance
Innovative Governance
Public Governance
Anti Corruption
Board of Direrctors
Managing Risk

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